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更新时间:2025-03-24 17:40:51
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1. The eighth country on the list was Ethiopia, where Doctors Without Borders, known by its French acronym MSF, said violence and harsh climatic conditions made living a struggle for people in the Somali region of the country.
排行榜上第八个国家是衣索匹亚;无国界医生组织(法文简称为 MSF Medecins Sans Frontieres 指出,衣索匹亚的暴力情形及恶劣的气候条件,使得境内索马利地区的人民,连活下去都很困难。


2. Lauck LANBO American spirit of science and technology group Medecins Sans Frontieres, the purpose of service of all mankind.

3. But in recent years it has often honored people like Mother Teresa or organisations like Medecins Sans Frontieres for human rights work.

July 2010 - on 25 June 2010, Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) reported a suspected case of Yellow fever in Titule, Base Ouele district of Orientale province (northern part of the country).(2010年7月19日-2010年6月25日,无国界医生(MSF)报告了一例在Orientale省BaseOuele区Titule(该国北部)发生的黄热病疑似病例。)
Medecins Sans frontieres (Belgium) has deployed clinicians, water and sanitation experts and logisticians to the area and has established appropriate isolation facilities.(医师无国界协会(比利时)已向该地区派遣临床医生、水和环境卫生专家以及后勤专家,并已建立适当的隔离设施。)
The Medecins Sans Frontieres aid organisation said it was "very concerned about the thousands of vulnerable people across the continent in danger and stuck in undignified conditions".(无国界医生组织表示“非常关注整个受难并陷入窘况的欧洲大陆上成千上万的弱势群体。”)
On 25 June 2010, Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) reported a suspected case of Yellow fever in Titule, Base Ouele district of Orientale province (northern part of the country).(2010年6月25日,无国界医生(MSF)报告了一例在Orientale省BaseOuele区Titule(该国北部)发生的黄热病疑似病例。)
Medecins Sans frontieres, a French charity, says that its workers are still discovering villages in dire conditions that have received hardly any aid.(法国一个名为“无国界医生”的慈善团体说,他们的人员仍不断发现情况极其恶劣的村庄,那里几乎没有得到任何援助。)
Medecins sans frontieres has also been assisting control efforts in Edo State.(无国界医生组织也一直在埃多州协助控制工作。)
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